Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pony Express Trail

We went on a cruising adventure with the Wasatch Cruisers Club early this month. Our first stop was at some Geode Beds. We were able to find some pretty amazing Geodes. Alexander was in his element! He was able to dig in the dirt and get extremely muddy! He loved hammering at the rocks and climbing down into some pits. Olivia and I hung out in the car most of the time to avoid being cold. We were gone from 8:00 and finally made it home around 10:00 that evening. The trail ended near Wendover, so we made our way to the Rainbow Casino and had ourselves a fantastic dinner. It was a great day!

1 comment:

emily said...

YAY! I am so excited you started a blog. Looks like you guys have been up to some fun stuff lately! THat is so exciting about starting student teaching. They will love you! Let's get together soon!

Sitting on the side of the road...

Sitting on the side of the road...

Zander and Roger at the "Race Track"

Zander and Roger at the "Race Track"

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Happy to be Camping???